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This month in the garden...


"The best way to make sure you're removing a weed and not a valuable plant? If it comes out of the ground easily it's a valuable plant."



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The Best Time to Garden
Posted February, 2022

January and February are the best time to garden in Wisconsin and don't let anyone tell you anything different. That's because in the deep of winter gardening is mostly theoretical and with a little imagination, and gardeners are full of imagination, any garden can be as grand, as flower-filled, as perfect as it can be.

I'm currently perplexed by what to plant under a “young” sugar maple in our yard. I say “young” because it's a replacement for an older sugar maple that arborists think may be approaching its 300th birthday. With a little care over the last 30 years the old tree has recovered some vigor and will outlast me. Now I have to figure out what to plant in the shade of the “young” tree which is large enough these days to have shaded the old ditch lilies that lined the fence. The grass in the area has also disappeared, replaced by a ring of moss and straggling weeds.

Last year we limbed up the maple so at least some light reaches the soil. Impulsively spent hours digging out the old daylilies leaving the area looking in the words of a friend “like a badger had had a fit.” With those encouraging words I gathered self-sown ligularia and ferns from around the main garden, dividing a couple of shrub clematis and impulsively plopped them under the tree. I spent most of autumn rooting out unwanted daylily shoots and trying to ignore the huge swath of weeds that I hadn't scrounged enough plants to fill. Planning isn't my long suit.

This winter, however, I know exactly what the sugar maple garden is going to look like this year. I've ordered new hellebores and epimediums and have potted up some of the baneberries that thrive under the old spruces. If they can grow in the dry, dark wasteland under those trees they'll do fine under the maple. I can see lush greenery interspersed with a succession of bright blossoms making a beautiful skirt under the maple.

As in most years garden reality will set in somewhere around March 15. That's when the new plants I ordered will show up, far too early to be planted out. In April the unwanted daylilies will spring out of the ground weeks before any of other the perennials. The local deer will tramp under the maple investigating potential new food sources along their short-cut to the neighbor's yard and the chipmunks and squirrels will dig up divots all over the place while I clean up the winter mess in the main garden. I'll avert my eyes from the maple.

In May I'll be trying to find places to put the vegetables and annuals that are crawling out of their pots despite the fact I swore I wouldn't start them too early. There'll be a huge pile of mulch on the driveway but by June I'll finally get back to the new bed under the maple.

This may all sound discouraging but I can tell you right now my sugar maple garden will l be beautiful, lush and perfect this summer. So will all of the beds in our garden. That's because in January and February when nothing is growing, when it seems like nothing can ever grow gardeners are at our best. We know in our hearts and imaginations our gardens can be paradise. These dark winter days are for plotting and planning to make those dreams of perfection real. This is when anything is possible in our hearts.


Tree of 40 Fruit

As mentioned in the December 4, 2019 Ozaukee Press "Ozaukee Gardener" column, here are links to articles on the "Tree of 40":

Tree of 40 (Wikipedia)

Smithsonian Article

TheVerge Article

Viburnum Leaf Beetles

As mentioned in the June 26, 2019 Ozaukee Press "Ozaukee Gardener" column, here is a link to an article on the Viburnum Leaf Beetle (VLB):

Viburnum Leaf Beetle

Monarch Caterpillar
Changing into Chrysalis

As mentioned in the August 29, 2018 Ozaukee Press "Ozaukee Gardener" column, here is a link to a video of a monarch butterfly caterpillar forming its final chrysalis. The process actually took over an hour but this video condenses the process down to one minute:

YouTube Link

And here is a link to a monarch butterfly life cycle information page: CLICK HERE


House Finch & Husky Fur
Nesting Material

As mentioned in the April 25, 2018 Ozaukee Press "Ozaukee Gardener" column, here is a link to a video of a female house finch gathering dog fur for her nest:

YouTube Link


Garlic Mustard

As mentioned in the May 21, 2014 Ozaukee Press "Ozaukee Gardener" column, here is a photo of the garlic mustard plant:

Garlic mustard plant -- Click for larger view


As mentioned in the November 6, 2013 Ozaukee Press, here are some photos of invasive plants to look out for in your garden:

Buckthorn (rhamnus cathartica):

European buckthorn

Purple loostrife:

Purple loostrife

Garlic mustard:

Garlic mustard plant -- Click for larger view


Apple Toxins 

As mentioned in the September 19, 2012 Ozaukee Press, here is a link to a web page detailing the issues with using damaged apples and potential problems with the toxin "patulin": Link Here

Monarch Migration 

As mentioned in the September 15 Ozaukee Press, here is a link to The Journey North's monarch butterfly southerly migration web page:

Click here

On the Wing 

As mentioned in the August 25 Ozaukee Press, here is a link to the video of a female goldfinch harvesting pet fur for her nest:


Garlic Mustard

As mentioned in the May 5, 2010 column, garlic mustard plants are blooming now in Port Washington.  Please pull these plants and dispose of them in the dumpster at the city recycling yard.  Here are some photos of Garlic Mustard -- Click on the photo for a larger view.

Garlic mustard plant -- Click for larger view

Garlic mustard plant -- Click for larger view

Garlic mustard plant -- Click for larger view

Plant Trials

As mentioned in the March 3, 2010 column, here are some links to plant trials in our area:

Chicago Botanic Garden's Ornamental Plant Development department -- CLICK HERE to visit their website

University of Wisconsin's West Madison Agricultural Research Station -- CLICK HERE to visit their website

Arthritis & Gardening

As mentioned in the January 20, 2010 column, here are some references for information on gardening with arthritis:


The University of Wisconsin Extension Office has a Gardening and Arthritis pamphlet available with lots of information.  Their project was funded by the Wisconsin Arthritis Program and other local agencies.  For more information contact:

Anne Kissack MPH, RD -- akissack[at]

Amy Meinen -- meineam[at]

Bill Wright -- wright_wp[at]

For the above email addresses, please replace the [at] portion with an @ character -- This is an anti-spam measure.

Left-Handed Tools

Left-handed people can often benefit from having tools that are designed especially for southpaws.  They are usually more comfortable than those designed for right-handers and often work better, as well.

Here are some sources for left-handed gardening tools:


Riveredge Programs

Our local Riveredge Nature Center has a number of interesting programs coming up in March and April.  Among these are several bird-related workshops, childrens' programs and even maple syrup making!

A complete listing of the Riveredge programs for March and April 2009 is available at this link (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required - Available here).

The complete Riveredge website can be found at this link.

Migration Maps

As mentioned in the April 16, 2008 "Ozaukee Gardener" column, here are some links to online maps of migrations:

Journey North -- Hummingbirds, monarchs, robins, swallows and more! -- Ruby-throated hummingbird tracking map

Midwest Fruit Explorers

As mentioned in the October 10, 2007 "Ozaukee Gardener" column, here are some links to fruit-growing information:

Follow [link to come] to watch a great little video about a standard city lot in the Chicago area with over 170 miniature apple trees!  Gene Yale walks you through his back yard and talks about his trees, which are full-sized fruit varieties grafted onto dwarfing rootstock. Since this video was recorded, Gene has passed away, but the miniature trees of his orchard have been relocated to a new plot of land, where they live on.

Follow this link to visit the Midwest Fruit Explorers website.  This is a group of amateur fruit growers who share information and conduct seminars several times each year to help others learn grafting and growing techniques.  

Garden Tours Overseas

As mentioned in the March 22, 2006 "Ozaukee Gardener" column in The Ozaukee Press, here are some links to garden touring in other countries:

Australia - Open Garden Scheme
Belgium - Jardins Ouverts-Open Tuinen
Britain - National Gardens Scheme
Japan - N.G.S. Japan
Netherlands - Nederlandse Tuinenstichting (Dutch Garden Society, NTs)
New Zealand - New Zealand Gardens Trust
Scotland - Scotland's Gardens Scheme
USA - The Garden Conservancy


As mentioned in the June 22, 2005 "Ozaukee Gardener" column in The Ozaukee Press, here are some links to details on oxalis and "orchid weed"!


"Yellow woodsorrel" - WeedAlert
"Sour on sourgrass" - Berkeley Horticultural Nursery

Orchid Weed:

"Helleborine" - Connecticut Botanical Society
"Epipactis helleborine" - University of Wisconsin

Tender Perennial Suggestions

As mentioned in the April 9, 2003 "Ozaukee Gardener" column in The Ozaukee Press, here are some suggestions for tender perennials for use in container gardens from a presentation by Anthony Noel at the Chicago Botanic Gardens.

Mr. Noel's point here is that there are lots of other choices for containers than red geraniums with cordalyne spikes for sun or impatiens for shade. I'm sure everything he recommends is great, if you can afford it.

My alternatives aren't meant to be the same as his but to suggest that there are things in your yard that can be used creatively to make your container gardens unique - at least until everybody else tries it. Using plants at hand will stretch your gardening dollar.

As always, I suggest you invest in good containers of ample size. The new lightweight, Thermalite pots are great. They're easy to handle and provide insulation for plant roots in places that are hot and sunny. Smaller pots make more work for the gardener since you'll need to water more frequently. Some plants also need more room to grow large enough to make the kind of display you'll want.


Salvia patens - blue flowers, silver foliage, zone 8-9
Penstemon "Russian River - maroon, zone 7-10
Penstemon 'Stapleford Gem'- lavender, zone 7-10
Pelargonium 'Lord Bute' - raspberry black, zone 10
Osteospermum 'Whirlygig' or 'Pink Whirls' - architectural flower in white or light pink; daisy like with folded petals, zone 10-11

Alstromeria braziliensis 'Alba' - white with a green throat; plants have stiff roots which break easily - don't transplant' zone 8-10

Agapanthus 'Blue Imp' - clear, light blue lily-like flower, zone 8-10
Abutilon - flowering maple comes in many colors, 'Snowfall' is white, zone 7-10
Brugmansia - Angel's trumpet comes in many colors, fragrant; easily started from seed

Crinum x powelii 'alba' or 'rosa' - fragrant, amaryllis type flower (bulb), zone 7-10
Cobaea scandens - purple flowered climber, zone 8-10
Clematis florida 'Sieboldii' - white flower with pinkish center, climber, zone 6-9
Tweedia caerulea - forget-me-not blue flowered climber, easily started from seed, zone 8-10

Senecio cineraria 'Silver Dust' - familiar bedding plant used as standard, zone 8-10
Artemesia 'Powis Castle' - silver foliage, zone 7-9


Hygrangea macrophylla, lace-cap - woody shrubs in a variety of colors
Arisaema candidissimum - Chinese jack-in-the-pulpit, spathe is striped pink and green, zone 6-9
Zantedeschia 'Black Magic' - dark maroon calla lily (bulb), zone 8-10

You might also try these plants. I prefer them because most are zone hardy here. If you don't have room in a protected garage, you may be able to overwinter them by sinking their containers in the garden and mulching the area well. This has worked for me. You can also establish these plants in the garden and then take free divisions for your containers.

Salvia daghestanica - dwarf silver leafed sage zone 5-8 sun
Penstemon x Mexicale 'Pike's Peak Purple' - violet-purple, zone 5-9 sun
Penstemon linarioides v coloradoensis - lavender, zone 4-9 sun
Geranium phaenum 'Samobor' - light maroon flowers, leaves splotched which maroon, zone 5-7 sun/part shade
Alstromeria 'Sweet Laura' - light yellow-orange; zone 5-8 sun
Clematis 'Snow Queen' - 7-10' tall, good for containers, white with pink stamens, zone 5-7
Stachys byzantina - use in sun to replace Senecio or Artemesia, zone 4-7 sun
Pulmonaria 'Northern Lights' - in shade to replace Senecio or Artemesia, zone 5-7
Athyrium nipponicum 'Ghost' Athyrium 'Ursula's Red' - ferns that can be elevated in shade to take the place of Senecio as a standard, zone 4-8
Mini-Bar Rose Morning Glory -6', ivy leafed, variegated form with fuchsia flowers can be trained on a topiary form, easily grown from seed

Miniature trees and shrubs also work well in containers, and can give tropical feel to the garden. When it comes to plants like bananas, however, be sure you know the definition of "dwarf." This just means smaller than normal and, since some plants grow to 30', a dwarf will be 10' or more. This may be larger than you're prepared to house in the living room over the winter.

Ficus carica 'Petite Negra' - this fig bares fruit twice a year in June and September. It will grow between 5-8' tall in a container, full sun, zone 7 plus

Musca Cavendish 'Super Dwarf' - this banana grows about 3-5' tall and may bare 3-6" fruit, full sun, zone 9 plus

Banana "look" can be mimicked with tubers like cannas, available in many leaf colors.

Christmas Gift Ideas

As mentioned in the November 27 "Ozaukee Gardener" column in The Ozaukee Press, here are the links to some gardening-related gifts:

Large-handled Hose Shut-Offs

Hori Knife

Urban Heat Islands

As mentioned in the November 20 "Ozaukee Gardener" column in The Ozaukee Press, here are some interesting links to information on the Web:

Chicago's Urban Heat Initiative

ICLEI Website


Port Washington Garden Club, PO Box 492, Port Washington, Wisconsin 53074
Registered 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization